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St Martha’s 2017 Christmas party

Thursday, 21 December 2017

We held our Christmas party with our residents on 19th December.  Christmas is a wonderful time of the year when we celebrate faith, family, and the tradition of giving gifts and sending greeting cards.

We arranged for a singer to entertain our residents and enjoy Christmas with full spirit, and we joined together in remembering the olden days. We were all happy to see the smiles on their faces when they were singing and dancing with staff and the singer. This was an appropriate way to share the spirit of the season with family, friends and staff.

We provided a buffet with a variety of food and a glass of wine, and everyone had a really nice time.

All our residents received a present kindly donated by Akari Care.  

I feel that our celebrations were the best way to express heartfelt appreciation for others during the season of joy.